Primco Dene EMS Hero
Clients / Case Study

Primco Dene EMS

Taking Pride in Caring

Primco Dene EMS is an industrial medical services company serving Oil & Gas worksites in remote locations across Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan. As well as emergency medical services the company provides on-site clinics complete with certified medical personnel offering a full range of medical services including advanced life support, first aid, occupational health and drug testing. Named after Primrose Lake, Cold Lake and “dene” the traditional territorial language, the company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Cold Lake First Nations and prides itself in its safety programs and care of its staff and customers alike.



# Employees


Client Since


The Challenge

Primco Dene’s medical clinics are required to provide regular reports to clients on the medical services provided to their employees for accounting purposes. Clinic visits had to be recorded in considerable detail, covering a wide variety of conditions, both work related and personal. To complicate things further, many of the employees worked for other companies that are also Primco Dene’s clients. Historically, staff had been collecting the information using Excel spreadsheets and then distilling it down into charts. This was very labour intensive and error-prone.

Our Solution

Using Primco Dene’s existing spreadsheets as templates, substantial modifications to S2Web’s medical application forms were made to capture the necessary details. All the historical data was migrated manually into the database. Dedicated report queries and charts were created along with special security permissions to enable clients to login and obtain the information they need without compromising the confidentiality of employee’s medical data.

The Results

Creating a medical services reporting “engine” is a mutually beneficial feature for both Primco Dene EMS and their clients, removing a huge administrative burden while at the same time providing an automated, self-service portal with more accurate and current information for their clients. The staff at the medical clinics now just record the details for each patient visiting the clinic and the reports and charts are compiled on demand by S2Web.

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